Have you ever wondered how to elevate your business to the next level? You can't solve a problem with the same mindset that created it! Let's think together.
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Successful businesses are not created by chance!
Top performers are "created"... with a clear strategy, executed with iron will and discipline.
There is no shortcut, but there is a direct path.
Here's what Claudio Catrini says about Thorsten Plößer!
"His expertise is
unparalleled in the Market."
Multi-entrepreneur Claudio Catrini has been voted as a TOP 10 speaker and trainer in Germany. In his brief video, he explains why, despite being a co-owner of his own marketing agency, he still relies on Thorsten Plößer.
He highlights unique selling points that impress him and that he has never encountered in the German market before.
Here's what Florian Grossert says about Thorsten Plößer!
"Incredible amount of expierience
and simply delivers"
The financial entrepreneur and investor Florian Grossert shares his experiences with Thorsten Plößer, highlighting why he trusts the team at TPV Business Consulting despite negative experiences in the market.
For those interested in learning more about Florian, we recommend listening to their joint podcast episode on "Der LeadCode" - From Bundesliga Pro to Entrepreneur.
Aktuelle Projekte
In den letzten 21 Jahren Selbständigkeit hat Thorsten Plößer über 20 Unternehmen (mit)gegründet. Diese hat er am Markt teils am Markt etabliert oder verkauft. Hier erhältst du einen kleinen Einblick in aktuelle Unternehmungen (ein Auszug).
Exklusiv für Vermögensberater planbar neue Interessenten und Vertriebspartner gewinnen.
Experience his column.
We regularly write in the press about topics that impact the market.
Thorsten Plößer recently wrote in "finanzwelt" about the topic of modern "employee recruitment." He addresses numerous myths and dispels doubts about modern methods.
We support real professionals.
In Pfefferminzia, we regularly write about our core topics: acquiring new clients and building a team.
Thorsten Plößer's column in this professional magazine is particularly important to TPV Business Consulting.
reden Magazin
In the special edition of "reden Magazin" by publisher Mathias Wald, TPV Managing Director Thorsten Plößer discusses social media, specifically focusing on Clubhouse. In a follow-up interview, this topic was expanded upon regarding employee recruitment. Plößer explains how platforms like Clubhouse can be used to attract qualified employees. #EmployerBranding
Gerne stellen wir weitere Projekt aus der Feder von Thorsten Plößer vor (ein Auszug).
Mit über $ 300 Mio Jahresumsatz in 28 Ländern und über 500 Restaurants ist HOOTERS ein internationaler Marktteilnehmer. In Frankfurt konnten wir mit der Wings of Sachsenhausen GmbH 7-stellige Umsätze erwirtschaften.
Die PTS Konzept GmbH wurde mit 2 Geschäftspartnern geründet und beschäftigte direkt von der Gründung an 7 Mitarbeiter.
Leadgenerierung in der Finanzdienstleitung war das Thema der CContact GmbH. Versicherungskonzerne und andere Großkunden vertrauten dem Unternehmen und ermöglichten 7-stellige Umsätze.
The focus is on recruiting, mindset, and entrepreneurship.
"Der LeadCode"
In "Der LeadCode," you'll hear from the best in their industry about acquiring new customers and employees. If you're interested in entrepreneurship and sales, we recommend the TPV Unternehmensberatung GmbH´s #1 podcast.
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